What is an Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP)?
The Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP) Program was established by Public Act 95-183, and codified as section 22a-133v of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) on October 1, 1995. On October 1, 2009, CGS section 22a-133v was amended (to increase fees) by Section 404 of PA 09-3. Pursuant to Section 22a-133v(b) of the CGS, the State Board of Examiners of Environmental Professionals was established within the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection.
CGS section 22a-133v(c) authorized the Commissioner, with advice and assistance from the LEP Board, to adopt regulations concerning the professional ethics and conduct appropriate to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity and dignity in the practice of an LEP. The LEP Regulations were adopted on June 2, 1997.
In specific circumstances, an environmental professional licensed pursuant to CGS section 22a-133v may "verify" that an investigation has been performed at a specific property in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines, and that pollution on such property has been remediated in accordance with the Remediation Standard Regulations (RSRs) adopted by the Commissioner pursuant to section 22a-133k of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.
Pursuant to CGS section 22a-133v(g), the Commissioner may conduct an audit of any action authorized by law to be performed by an LEP. The LEP Verification Audit Program has been established to ensure that the opinions ("verifications") of the LEP are based on an appropriate understanding of the environmental conditions of the site and that the verification is in compliance with all applicable statutes and regulations, including the RSRs.
There are approximately 350 active LEPs on the LEP roster. CCA employs three full time LEPs with a combined 80+ years of environmental consulting experience.
All ESA work at CCA is performed by or under the direct supervision of a Connecticut Licensed Environmental Professional (LEP). Please feel free to contact Mr. Ralph A. Klass P.E., L.E.P. at ralphklass@ccaengineering.com or 203-775-6207 if you would like to request a quotation for ESA services or if you have any questions regarding the services CCA can provide.
See additional FAQ answer sheets for the definition of Hazardous Waste Establishment, Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA and Phase III ESA.